511NY Developer Resource

Welcome to the 511NY Developer Resource Area! This is a free service that allows users to access 511NY real-time and static transportation data to customize their applications and research efforts. This information is available to the general public, commercial vendors, transportation agencies, researchers, media and other interested groups.
Request for Developers Access
To become a Developer, you must first be signed up as a 511NY user. To create a 511NY account, click on the My 511NY tab and follow the instructions on the Sign Up link.
Once you have a 511NY account you may apply for Developers’ access. To be granted access to 511NY data feeds you must complete the Developers Access Request Form and review and agree to the NYSDOT Developers Access Agreement. The completed request form is to include a brief description of the intended feed use, service or product that will integrate the feed, the intended market, benefit to the traveling public, and any similar products or services that have or will be developed.
Please note that by using any content found in the 511NY Developer Resource Area you acknowledge acceptance of the 511NY Developer's Access Agreement.
511NY Logo

The 511NY logo is a variation of the national 511 logo, a federally registered trademark owned by the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO.) It symbolizes the quality and consistency of the nation's 511 travel information technology, services and products. Use of the logo is mandatory in conjunction with 511NY and is encouraged by a national 511 Marketing and Outreach Committee. By using the logo, you enable travelers to quickly identify the commonalities associated with the 511 services across different agencies throughout the nation.
511NY Data Feed

The 511NY data feeds contain real-time traffic and transit event information provided by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), the New York City Department of Transportation, the New York State Thruway Authority and the Niagara International Transportation Technology Coalition.
It is a single point of access for all publicly available 511NY information including all current:
- Incidents/accidents,
- Construction projects,
- Special events and
- Camera images and video in New York State.
The feed is updated as individual events become active or updated. Events are also removed from the feed as they expire.
The data feed is accessed through a web connection and is available in XML format.
If you did not create a My 511NY account on this site, then follow step 1, otherwise, skip to step 3.
- Sign up to access the 511NY Data Feed
- Confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the confirmation email you should receive after signing up for a My 511NY account
- Login to the website
- go to Manage Account, check the box that says "Would you like to sign up for the Developer API?"
- Once approved, you will receive an email with your Developer API key.
- 511NY Data Feed Documentation
511NY Tools

Embedding the 511NY Map Tool
Embedding the 511NY map allows developers to link to the specific region of the 511NY Traffic/Transit map that is most relevant to their audience. Developers set the parameters that determine what map layers (e.g. traffic speeds, construction, closures, etc.) will be visible to users.
Click here to go to the 511NY Map Embed Tool.
Commercial Vehicle Restriction
The Commercial Vehicle Restriction Service is an Esri REST (Representational State Transfer ) service that contains clearance and posting information for NYS Bridges and Parkways. This data contains up-to-date restriction information from the past 24 hours.
The service provides an open Web interface to services hosted by Esri’s ArcGIS Server. All resources and operations exposed by the REST API are accessible through a hierarchy of endpoints or Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for the GIS service.
Commercial Vehicle Restriction Service REST Endpoint: Commercial Vehicle Restriction Map Server
Commercial Vehicle Restriction API information: ArcGIS REST API Reference Manual
Transit Schedule Data
Note: To download the GTFS, please "Right-Click" on the link and select "Save link as...".
Information Partners
The TRANSCOM Beta Data Feed provides "real-time" event information for the 29 counties of the TRANSCOM Region in states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, and includes information from the following TRANSCOM Member Agencies: New York City Department of Transportation, New York City Police Department, New York State Bridge Authority, New York State Department of Transportation, Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corp (PATH), The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, New York State Police, New York State Thruway Authority, New Jersey Turnpike Authority, New Jersey State Police, New Jersey Transit, New Jersey Department of Transportation, MTA – New York City Transit, MTA – Bridges and Tunnels, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and Connecticut Department of Transportation.
This data feed is a free service that allows various user groups, (i.e. the general public, commercial vendors, transportation agencies, researchers, media and others) to access TRANSCOM real-time event and link (travel time) data for use in their applications.
For the Terms of Service and information about how to access this information, visit the TRANSCOM feed page.